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Deema Exclusively represents Instral ® B.V. Netherlands in India. Instral® is one of the leading manufacturers of speciality additives INSTRAL is specialist in developing tailor made chemical and bio-based products and solutions in various industries, such as the fertilizer industry, dust control in agriculture, infra and dry cargo and oil- and water treatment.

Dust Control

Is the liberation of dust a problem at your company?
INSTRAL is a specialized and leading company in the world of dust control.
The innovative C-Force® dust control additives are applicable in various situations.
Dust Control Solution applicable in
1. Manufacturing Industry
2. Steel Industry
3. Infrastructure
4. Recycling
5. Agriculture
6. Urban

1. Industry

The liberation and presence of dust in the air is a problem that causes a nuisance around the globe.

Not only does dust cause discomfort, but it also poses a serious threat to the public health. Instral’s C-Force® INDUSTRY was especially developed to prevent the liberation and re-suspension of dust in and around mines, during Trans-loading and storage of ores and minerals. C-Force® INDUSTRY provides for employees to work in a cleaner and healthier environment.

The advantages of C-Force® Industry

C-Force® INDUSTRY in comparison with other dust reducing agents:

2. Steel Industry

During the production, handling and transportation of iron ore pellets and sinter, a lot of dust is being generated and liberated. Each time the pellets are being handled, this dust causes discomfort for the workers and surroundings, gives wear to equipment and presents a substantial loss of raw material. C-Force® Industry IPC has especially been developed as dust control agent for the production and handling of iron ore pellets and sinter and has the following beneficial features:
  • Effective dust control
  • Weatherproof
  • Applicable on cold as well as hot pellets/sinter (-25 to 290℃)
  • Moisture repellent
  • Easy to apply
  • Long-term performance
  • Return on investment

    • Less production loss by binding dust that will otherwise be blown away (average results laboratory test: € 0.07/MT)
    • Less energy to remove the water from the pellets after outside storage/transport (average results laboratory tests: € 1.31/MT)
    • Less ballast water to transport (average results laboratory tests: € 0.45/MT (intercontinental transport))
    • Lower cleaning costs
    • Binding dust will give less wear on equipment and damage to electronically devices
    • A lower water content will make it less likely for the materials to freeze together and form lumps in the train wagon/ship, giving an advantage when unloading the goods.

    Water repellent layer for pellets

    A beneficial feature of the C-Force® Industry IPC is that it gives the pellets a moisture repellent layer, which shields the materials from taking up moisture during rainfall. Less ballast water in the pellets means major savings further in the process, when it has to be removed.

    3. Infrastructure

    Wind erosion can transport carefully placed sands on construction sites to undesired areas in a very short time. This can cause a lot of discomfort in the direct environment.
    C-Force® INFRA was especially developed to keep the sand fixed at its intended position and to prevent the re-suspension of dust in the air.

    Easy application of Infrastructure

    4. Recycling

    The emission of dust can cause great problems during recycling processes of wood, glass, waste, organic manure, bottom ash, fly ash, etc.

    Especially inside factories dust cannot escape, but in open air the dust can also cause major (health) risks.

    Prevention is better, more effective and cheaper, than cure. Applying a layer of Instral C-Force® RECYCLING will prevent dust of becoming airborne. Which gives the following advantages:

  • the dust does not disturb and harm the workers
  • the dust does not give wear to equipment or damage electronically devices
  • the dust does not have to be cleaned up or filtered out of the air
  • when a filter system is already present, expensive filters can be replaced less frequently
  • Reducing dust emission with Instral C-Force®RECYCLING ensures that workers run less health risks.
  • 5. Agriculture

    Wind erosion can damage freshly seeded crops. Furthermore, the movement of sand particles on the surface of the soil, which also occurs with low wind, will damage crops. This is due to the abrasion of the sand particles.
    Instral C-Force® AGRI is especially developed as dust reducing agent for agricultural purposes. It stabilizes the sand particles at the surface protecting crops against abrasion. The result is better and stronger crops and a better yield. C-Force® AGRI also reduces dehydration of the top layer, this results in better germination.

    The advantages of Agriculture

    6. Urban

    The liberation and presence of dust in air is a problem that causes a nuisance around the globe. Not only does dust cause discomfort, but it also poses a serious threat to the public health. Dust kicked up by vehicles traveling on roads may make up 33% of air pollution. Through the constant movement of the traffic, dust will continuously be re-suspended in the air.

    With C-Force® URBAN, Instral has developed a unique product to suppress the (road) dust in the urban areas. This water-based product keeps roads and soil moist for a longer period than plain water and leaves a dust binding coating after the water has finally evaporated. This prevents the dust particles from re-suspending in the air.

    URBAN in comparison with other dust reducing agents: