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Fertilizers Additives

Deema Exclusively represents Instral ® B.V. Netherlands in India. Instral® is one of the leading manufacturers of speciality additives INSTRAL is specialist in developing tailor made chemical and bio-based products and solutions in various industries, such as the fertilizer industry, dust control in agriculture, infra and dry cargo and oil- and water treatment.
Fertilizers possess extraordinary physical properties that may cause problems during production, handling, application chain, storage and transportation. INSTRAL developed several highly innovative additives, both bio-based and traditional, o improve the qualities of mineral fertilizers, reducing these problems and diminishing the ecological footprint of fertilizers at the same time.

Fertilizers Additives

1) Bio-Force additives
2) Granulating Additives
3) Binders
4) Anticaking Agents
5) Corrosion Inhibitors
6) Moister Repellent Prilling Additives

1. Bio-Force Additives

INSTRAL has the bio-based solution to face any challenge in production of high-quality fertilizers. Our experts understand production requirements and on-site challenges. Together with your plant-operators, they can find a way to fit the BIO-Force additives in your production system.
Stable, hard, uniform particles
BIO-Force fertilizer additives enhance the quality of the particles from the inside out. Resulting in:
  • Narrow particle size distribution (higher yield)
  • Round, smooth, uniform particles
  • Large granules
  • Hard granules
  • Stabilized granules (no post-reactions)
  • Organic Farming

    There are limited option to improve manufacturing of fertilizers for organic farming. Bio-force does the job with bio-based additives, fit for organic farming. Making high-quality granules available for ecological farmers.

    Bio-based coating

    Bio-force additives significantly improve quality of the particles, reducing the need for coating t prevent caking, dusting or limping. This pens possibilities to stop using the non-biodegradables coatings. Simple replace them with our Bio-Force fertilizers coating.

    Prilling without formaldehyde

    Up to now, the fertilizer industry was condemned to use formaldehyde for the prilling of urea. With INSTRAL’s Bio-Force prilling additive, the highly toxic formaldehyde can be abandoned while improving the quality of the prills. Bio-force prilling additive.

  • Used to improve crushing strength of prills
  • Lowers dust content
  • Lowers caking tendency
  • Replaces Formaldehyde
  • 2. Granulation Additives

    Nearly every fertilizer, which is stored and handled in bulk, is prone to caking. Everybody active in the fertilizer business has seen examples of massive lumps. One of the causes of caking is that salt bridges between the fertilizer particles are being formed due to humidity cycles or migration of moisture present internally in the fertilizer. This can be solved by using coatings, talcum powder or other additive that form a protective layer around the particles and thus reduce the interaction between particles (Figure 1). A good anticaking treatment should minimally give 90+% caking reduction compared to untreated fertilizer.
    The particles of some fertilizer types (especially NPK’s and ASN’s) have the tendency to deform, even with a very low moisture content. Deformation of the granules under pressure will increase their contact surface area (and possibly rupture an applied coating) with their neighbours causing severe caking (Figure 2). The caking tendency of the fertilizer will become that much higher that even the performance of a good anticaking coating will not give enough relief to bring the resulting caking tendency to a level that the fertilizer can straightforwardly be stored in bulk..

    3. Binders

    Many fertilizer types are difficult to granulate. Water mixed into the powders can form bonds between powder particles that are strong enough to lock them together. However, once the water dries, the powders may fall apart. In such instances, INSTRAL is able to provide you with a suitable binder that will glue all particles together to produce smooth, round granules within a narrow particle size distribution.

    4. Anticaking Agents

    NPK Fertilizers
    The C-Force® FAC series has been optimized for anti-caking behaviour. The products can all be used in combination with talcum powder.
    Ammonium nitrate
    The C-Force® FMR series has been has been especially designed for strong anticaking and moisture repellent behaviour. When only the caking tendency of the material needs to be improved, a product from the C-Force® FAC series can be selected. The products can all be used in combination with talcum powder.
    Calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN)
    When only the caking tendency of the material needs to be improved, a product from the C-Force® FAC series can be selected. Several products in the C-Force® FMR series can also be used in combination with talcum powder when the caking tendency of the material requires this. The products will give a good moisture repellent performance and will efficiently bind dust and talcum powder to the granules.
    Urea that has been treated with C-Force® FAC 4100 or FAC 4200, remains free flowing and free of dust. The treated product will show a long-term storage stability and resistance to caking under pressure.

    5. Corrosion Inhibitors

    Urea-ammonium nitrate solutions (UAN)

    These solutions are quite corrosive towards mild steel (up to 500 MPY per year on C1010 steel) and should therefore be equipped with a corrosion inhibitor to protect tanks, pipelines, nozzles, et cetera. The products from the C-Force® product line especially been developed to avoid general and intergranular corrosion of metals under various conditions and will bring back the corrosion rate of the UAN solutions under 0.1 MPY (20°C).

    Ammonium nitrate solutions

    Aqueous ammonium nitrate solutions are extremely corrosive towards mild steel (up to 2000 MPY on C1010 steel) and are therefore rarely used as fluid fertilizer grade. C-Force® FCI 430 has especially been developed to avoid general and intergranular corrosion of metals, making the commercial application and transportation of aqueous ammonium nitrate solutions possible. The product will lower the corrosion rate of the ammonium nitrate solutions to under 0.5 MPY (20°C).

    6. Moisture repellent coating

    Ammonium nitrate

    The C-Force® FMR series has been has been especially designed for strong anticaking and moisture repellent behaviour.

    Calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN)

    Several products in the C-Force® FMR series can also be used in combination with talcum powder when the caking tendency of the material requires this. The products will give a good moisture repellent performance and will efficiently bind dust and talcum powder to the granules.

    Urea-ammonium sulphate

    This fertilizer combination is prone to absorb moisture whilst being stored and transported. Conventional moisture repellent coatings will not help as they will be consumed as a consequence of clathrate formation with urea from the fertilizer.

    7. Urea crushing strength improver

    To improve the crushing strength of urea particles formaldehyde or one of its chemical analogues is usually being added. These substances can be very toxic and do often not give a good performance when the urea melt contains too much moisture. With the C-Force® FCS series, Instral has created a better, safe and affordable alternative for formaldehyde (analogues)