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Water Treatment

Deema Exclusively represents Instral ® B.V. Netherlands in India. Instral® is one of the leading manufacturers of speciality additives INSTRAL is specialist in developing tailor made chemical and bio-based products and solutions in various industries, such as the fertilizer industry, dust control in agriculture, infra and dry cargo and oil- and water treatment.

We delivers a total chemical treatment package for your water bearing system to reduce production stops, to save energy and to lower maintenance costs. For each type of water bearing system and water, quality has a specific Water Treatment Program consisting of one or multiple products
Water Treatment program
1. Process water
2. Waste waterl
3. Water pre treatment
4. Water reuse
5. Equipment

1. Process Water Program

Cooling water Program

Cooling water systems play an important role in keeping industrial plants running continuously and at full capacity.


  • Ensures reliable operation of cooling system
  • Improved heat transfer
  • Less service intervals
  • Increase cycle of concentration
  • Extending the life cycle of the cooling system
  • Boiler water program

    Heat and energy are indispensable to keep industrial plants running continuously and at full capacity. It is therefore important that the boiler, which supplies the heat and energy, work well. The insufficient treatment of boiler water is extremely costly, both in terms of fuel costs and in equipment maintenance. Delivers a total chemical treatment package for your boiler water system to avoid problems such as corrosion and scaling with the aim of better performance and reduce costs.


  • Ensures reliable operation of boiler system
  • Improved heat transfer
  • Less service intervals
  • Extending the life cycle of the boiler system
  • Scrubber solutions

    Scrubbers are be used to reduce the environmental impact of the discharge of flue gasses. A wet scrubber for example is used for cleaning air, fuel gasses and gasses from industrial processes. The scrubbing solution can adsorbs particle matter, acids such as HCl, SO2, NOx and bases such as NH3.


  • Ensures reliable operation of the system
  • Less service intervals
  • 2. Waste water solutions

    Instral can help you with the design and construction of your wastewater treatment unit. We can deliver solutions for small water purification units to big wastewater treatment facilities. Depending on your application and requirements mechanical, physical and biological treatment method can be applied

    Product categories

  • Flocculation & Coagulation
  • Oxidation
  • Filtration